19 January 2012

Nobel Peace Prize..

winning science can now happen in a garage.

One of the recent episodes of Horizon, shows the massive advancements that have been made in Synthetic Biology, its shocking to see how adavanced its become and such a shame that scientists are using it to creating fuel from the cells of apples that will release CO2.

11 January 2012

Dispatches from the Staffroom...

Teachers are a cynical lot.

They never approve of goverment schemes and ideas about education, which as I slowly become a teacher myself, I understand.

There is a lot of in my day we never had....We were like this....

They don't know how lucky they are....

The question is am I going to become one of these species of teacher?

I hope not

05 January 2012

Education Matters

Obvioulsy it does.

But are we placing too much emphasis on exam results?