26 June 2012

Summer Project

Having finished my PGCE course I'm now at a loose end. Time for some summer projects I think, for awhile now I have wanted to hand sew an entire garment. I have a tunic of my grandmothers that has some fantastic hand embroidered flowers on the left corner, but alas my decorative stitches are not up to scratch.

Here then is the first summer project, a second hand pattern from my local Oxfam shop. I like the look of the straight skirt and boxed cropped tunic. Next step is to choose from my extensive range of fabric, could be difficult.

21 June 2012

Crazy Colours

I would love to shoot portraits in an environment like this, preferably without the happy hardcore tunes in the background. That would be great.

12 June 2012

A Year in the Life of a Wardrobe

I hope to record a years worth of clothing wear, to help me see which items I wear most and if there are the dreaded lurkers at the back of the cupboard! 
I hope not.

08 June 2012

Messing around

Lady Love...

I either want to be this woman, or be in love with her! Her hair is just beautiful and the colours in this picture are just fantastic. Im trying at the moment to find a dress similar to the ones they used in the Frida film, especially the ble one but im failing. So instead I've painted my nails the blue colour of her house.

07 June 2012

05 June 2012

Annual V&A Visit

Indian Love Affair

The first few days back in England and I was glad to be home. 

I adjusted quickly to the cool weather, the amount of flesh on display and the quietness.

Two years later and I'm desperate to go back, if you had spoken to me then. You would have received a different answer. I came back feeling disappointed, disgusted and disillusioned. India to me then was a beautiful country, but there were issues that left me with a negative feeling about going back.

With time these feelings have faded. A wish to go back and experience everything from before and more is slowly growing, I watch programmes and films that are set in India and my memories glow with a rose tinted edge. A friend once said "You don't know the real India, if you did you wouldn't want to go back. Its a disgusting place where poverty is obvious. the electricity cuts out when you're trying to do your hair." The last half of that sentence is of no concern to me really, I still don't own hair straighteners and never wish to. The first half however, I want to be to say yes, yes I have, I've seen it and India is beautiful because of it.